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Сайт косметологии и пластической хирургии
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Сайт косметологии и пластической хирургии +7 (495) 172-21-14
15/1 Tatishcheva, Moscow Mon-Sat 9:00 a.m 22:00 p.m.
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Sirmajs Nataliya Sergeevna

Sirmajs Nataliya Sergeevna

Dermatologist Venereologist, PhD in Medical Sciences

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Чт, 13 марта

Пн, 17 марта

Чт, 13 марта

105 к. дерматовенеролога

Пн, 17 марта

105 к. дерматовенеролога

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  • Dermatologist Venereologist

Category and Degree

  • First category physician
  • PhD in Medical Sciences


  • 2008 – Moscow State Medical University named after Pirogov N.I., “General Medicine”
  • 2009 – State Institute of Advanced Training of Doctors of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, “Trichology”
  • 2010 – State Institute of Advanced Training of Doctors of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, residency “Dermatology”
  • Dermatology – Oncology certificate, associate professor of the department and teacher of the course of dermatoscopy for doctors within additional professional education format

Professional development

  • 2012 – Moscow State Medical University named after Pirogov N.I., Reeducation program “Mycology”
  • 2014 -Moscow State Medical University named after Pirogov N.I., Thematic improvement “Actual issues of dermatology and oncology”
  • 2015 – Moscow State Medical University named after Pirogov N.I., Advanced training “Dermatovenenrology”
  • 2015 – Institute of Advanced Training, advanced training “Cosmetology”
  • Qualification category: first (certificate # 2418 dated 25.06.2015)

Scientific works and publications

  • Author of 80 publications, 22 of which are in the journals of the Higher Attestation Commission.
  • 2019, Has made a program of INR 36 hours a remote cycle on dermatoscopy and mycology with all lecture material.

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